Eikonal Blog


Java keytool

Filed under: crypto, hashes, infosec, it, java — Tags: , — sandokan65 @ 10:45
  • Download the CA certificate from the proxy and convert it to PEM format:

      /usr/java/default/bin/keytool -import -trustcacerts -file  -alias CA_ALIAS -keystore /usr/java/default/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit



Personal computer security

Anti-mallware (=Antivirus)




Anti-Rootkit / Rootkit detection

  • Trend Micro’s RootkitBuster – http://free.antivirus.com/rootkit-buster/
      A rootkit scanner that offers ability to scan for hidden files, registry entries, processes, drivers and hooked system services, and MBR. It also includes the cleaning capability for hidden files and registry entries. Master Boot Record (MBR) rootkit detection, gives RootkitBuster the ability to detect hidden MBR content. It can spot all variants of MBR rootkit in the wild. MBR rootkits first began appearing in the wild late 2007. New variants continue to appear.
  • Trend Micro’s RUBotted – http://free.antivirus.com/rubotted/:
      Malicious software called Bots can secretly take control of computers and make them participate in networks called “Botnets.” These networks can harness massive computing power and Internet bandwidth to relay spam, attack web servers, infect more computers, and perform other illicit activities. RUBotted monitors your computer for suspicious activities and regularly checks with an online service to identify behavior associated with Bots. Upon discovering a potential infection, RUBotted prompts you to scan and clean your computer.
  • Sophos Anti RookKit – http://www.sophos.com/products/free-tools/sophos-anti-rootkit.html
  • chrootkit – http://www.chkrootkit.org/ (MAC and many linux/unix versions)
  • GMER – http://www.gmer.net/ – (Windows)

Email security

File and container/volume encryption

“Secure” file erasure

Privacy cleaners


Passwords management

Host-based (aka “Personal”) firewalls

More on this blog: IpTables – https://eikonal.wordpress.com/2011/01/24/iptables/ | Port Knocking – https://eikonal.wordpress.com/2010/10/05/port-knocking/ | Firewalls – https://eikonal.wordpress.com/2012/05/04/firewalls/

Web proxies


Process scanners

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